
    Ofi cocoa分享了透明度和可追溯性如何推动食品的可持续性影响 & 饮料行业



    ofi (推荐买球平台食品配料), a global leader in 自然ly good food and beverage 成分, says developments in data and technology – from granular deforestation mapping and child labor monitoring to AI-powered carbon measurement tools – are accelerating progress towards its 可可指南针 sustainability ambition. It is also providing food and beverage companies with enhanced traceability and transparency ahead of new regulations in 欧洲 and beyond. 

    最新的 可可指南针 highlights based on 2022 data include:

    • 新的分析显示 30,168 的农民 ofi”s cocoa supply chain are earning a living income1, putting the business on track to reach its 2030 target of 150,000 cocoa farmers earning a living income.

    • A 395% increase in the number of children receiving 教育 support in 2022, 与2018年的基线相比.

    • A 15% increase in the number of households covered by ofi’s Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS).

    • 600万棵树 分配单位:, working with its customers and 合作伙伴, for agroforestry and income diversification, 2018年至2022年.

    • 美国79%的农场 ofi”s sustainability programs have been polygon mapped2.

    "We are proud to be working together with ofi and the Hershey Company to encourage cocoa farmers to adopt more sustainable agriculture practices—like diversifying their crops and allowing more trees to remain on their land—which will strengthen their resilience against climate shocks and improve their livelihoods3.”



    与美国国际开发署和其他合作伙伴一起发挥影响的关键是技术. ofi的最新进展利用了其可持续性管理系统的能力, AtSource. This technology can be available to customers upon request, 为公司提供详细的数据和见解,了解他们的可可和其他 ofi 成分4 are sourced, 包括 their social and environmental impact. It also complements specific solutions that ofi 为即将实施的《推荐买球平台》(EUDR)做准备. 该技术包括:

    • A Carbon Stock Monitoring and Measurement tool5 – created in 合作伙伴hip with geospatial specialists NGIS – uses AI-powered analysis to provide high-quality data on forest cover and tree loss to help customers monitor for deforestation, as well as understand how interventions like agroforestry and shade tree planting affect carbon stocks across different plots of land.

    • 屡获殊荣的6 碳情景规划师 that enables customers to understand the impact of different agricultural practices on GHG emissions and model the most efficient methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chain and delivering on their Scope 3 emissions targets.

    • 一个更新 可可农民收入工具, 这张图显示了一个有代表性的农民样本的详细收入估计 ofi’s cocoa sustainability programs. 该工具提供了一幅更清晰的画面,显示出当地的行动正在帮助可可种植者获得更多收入, as well as w在这里 customers can partner with ofi on initiatives to help close income gaps.


    数据的粒度, 再加上推荐几个足彩外围app在原产国的广泛足迹以及与农民的牢固关系, 意味着推荐几个足彩外围app可以继续与美国国际开发署等合作伙伴合作. We’re also investing in technology to help some of the world’s biggest food and beverage brands meet the demand from their consumers for delicious, on-trend products with robust sustainability credentials. I’m incredibly grateful that our customers continue to partner with us on our 可可指南针 sustainability journey. 尽管可可种植者和自然界面临的复杂挑战没有简单的解决方案, I'm proud of the impact we’re having together.

    Tejinder Singh Saraon 菲·可可,总经理 & 首席执行官

    可可指南针 was launched in 2019 as ofi’s ambition to collaborate with its customers, 合作伙伴, 各国政府也要发挥自己的作用,使可可的未来更加可持续. 它根据联合国可持续发展目标(UNSDGs)制定了具有挑战性的2030年目标。. In 2020, the company achieved its first set of 可可指南针 targets, which included implementing 100% traceability and deforestation monitoring in its direct cocoa supply chain to farm or community7.

    ofi 现在计划在2024年下半年宣布一个更新的可可指南针计划. This will not only incorporate learnings from the past five years and leverage the impact of its on-the-ground programs in cocoa communities but also reinforce ofi’s broader sustainability strategy.

    发现更多关于什么 ofi 必须提供


    1 The analysis covered a broad sample of farmers from ofi可持续发展项目. ofi adopts the guidance of the Living Income Community of Practice (LICOP): “The net annual income required for a household in a particular place to afford a decent standard of living for all members of that household. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, 水, 住房, 教育, 医疗保健, 运输, 服装, and other essential needs 包括 provision for unexpected events.” ofi is working with LICOP and others to develop living income metrics, acknowledging that consensus for a globally accepted methodology requires time and that specific norms and methods may vary from region to region.

    2 Polygon mapping not only maps the landscape around a cocoa farm but traces its perimeter using GPS polygons and can ensure that the volume of cocoa purchased respects the farm’s capacity.

    3 The program is called the Landscape Approach to Sustainable and Climate Change Resilient Cocoa and Coffee Agroforestry (LASCARCOCO).

    4 “碳储量监测和测量工具”和“碳情景规划”正在被菲菲可可公司使用, 咖啡和坚果平台. The Farmer Income Tool referenced is currently only available for ofi可可平台.

    5 Shortlisted for Edie-Net Zero 创新 奖 2024

    6 Winner of the 可持续性 创新 类别.

    7 Volumes procured directly from farmers or from farming co-operatives, 农民群体, 社区/种植区, 或其代表(包括只限于某一特定社区/种植地区的本地购买代理).


    关于 ofi

    ofi (推荐买球平台食品配料) is a new operating group born out of 推荐买球平台国际. ofi 提供可持续的, 自然, value-added food products and 成分 so that consumers can enjoy the healthy and indulgent products they love. 它由可可、咖啡、乳制品、坚果和香料等行业领先的企业组成. ofi 是否建立了一个独特的全球价值链,包括自己的农业运营, 农产品收购起源, 生产设施. ofi 与客户合作, 利用其互补和差异化的“潮流”食品组合, to co-create solutions that anticipate and meet changing consumer preferences as demand increases for healthier food that’s traceable and sustainable. 订阅 ofi 新闻编辑部,请访问 (隐私权声明 在这里). If you do not wish to receive information from ofi 请联系

    遵循 @ofi-group 在LinkedIn.


    推荐买球平台 is a leading food and agri-business supplying food, 成分, 饲料和纤维到17,全球300家客户. Its value chain spans over 60 countries and includes farming, processing and distribution operations, as well as a sourcing network of an estimated 5 million farmers. Headquartered and listed in 新加坡, 推荐买球平台 currently ranks among the top 30 largest primary listed companies in terms of market capitalization on SGX-ST. 自2020年6月起, 推荐买球平台 has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series, a global sustainable investment index series developed by FTSE Russell, following a rigorous assessment of 推荐买球平台’s supply chain activities, impact on the environment and governance transparency. FTSE4Good指数系列确定了表现出强大的环境保护的公司, Social and 治理 (ESG) practices and is used by a variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds. More information on 推荐买球平台 can be found at  If you do not wish to receive information from 推荐买球平台, 请联系

    要订阅推荐买球平台新闻编辑室,请选择顶部的“订阅” 页面.

    遵循 @olam 在LinkedIn.


    Contacts for ofi communications:

    可可通讯公司的负责人, ofi

    代表…发出 ofi Teneo:

    +44 20 7260 2700


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